Mixed from pine resin, this adjuvant enables a solution to stick to the leaves of crops more successfully.
StarFilm is an Extender Sticker-Spreader designed to extend the life of pesticides. It may be used with all pesticide products and soluble fertilizers. StarFilm forms a durable film that hold a pesticide on the crop foliage. This shield greatly reduces the effects of environmental factors, which may decrease the effecttiveness of pesticides. StarFilm will not foam, freeze or clog nozzles. It may be applied by serial, ground or concentrate sprayer It enhances the initial pesticide application to give complete coverage. StarFilm prevents the removal of the pesticides from the leaf surface by rainfall and wind. It screens the pesticide spray residue from ultraviolet rays which often cause pesticide degradation. Pesticide volatilization is minimized by the protective shield. Under most conditions, apply sprays containing StarFilm and allow at least one hour of daylight before an anticipated rain. Sunlight for this time period is required for the protective shield to set.
Directions for Use
To extend the activity and increase the efficiency of insecticidal and fungicidal sprays use 1 pint per acre when applied by aircraft or by ground equipment. For hydraulic gun or air blast tree sprayer used for spray application to shade, fruit and nut trees, apply 6 to a ounces of StarFilm per 100 gallon of water when applied dilute. For dilute application of citrus sprays, where the spray volume is 1,000 to 1,500 gallons per acre, use 2 pints of StarFilm per 500 gallons of spray mix. For concentrate sprays, where the total spray volume is approximately 100 gallons or less per acre, use 1 pint of StarFilm per acre. For turf applications use at the rate of 8 to 16 ounces per acre. For use in vegetable and cotton programs, use at the rate of 4 to 16 ounces per acre.
StarFilm used at the rate of 4 ounces per acre enhances the sticking activity of insecticides and fungicides. StarFilm used at the rate of 8 ounces per acre provides some extension of most insecticides and fungicides.
Use in spray tank combination with insecticides and fungicides. Do not apply StarFilm to food crops within 30 days of harvest except as follows: StarFilm can be used with copper fungicides, Baillus thuringiensis products and other tolerance exempt pesticides on food crops up to harvest.
To ensure good emulsification, pre-mix StarFilm with water before adding to spray tank. Add StarFilm to the spray tank as the last ingredient, as the spray tank is filling, with the agitator running. Always rinse tank, lines and nozzles with water immediately after spraying. After rinsing, a small amount of sticky residue may remain in the spray tank. This residue can help to prevent rust and corrosion and will not clog nozzles when sprayer is next used. If spray drift accidently lands on undesired surfaces, it can be removed with soap and water before the spray residue is dry or with premium grade kerosene after the film has dried to remove dried deposits from painted car surfaces, use standard tar remover products designed for use on painted car finishes.
Storage and Disposal
Protect from freezing. Store above 40' F/Freezing will not harm product's effectiveness. Store in original container only. Keep container tightly closed, do not allow water to be introduced into contents of this container. CONTAINER DISPOSAL: Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage or disposal. Triple rinse (or equivalent) and add rinsate to spray tank, then offer for recycling or reconditioning, or puncture and dispose of according to state and local authorities. If burned, stay out of smoke.
Keep out of reach of children. Use of StarFilm with tolerance exempt pesticides close to harvest may result in visible residues on crops which may render the crops unsalable. If this is a potential problem, the StarFilm rate should be reduced or StarFilm should not be used close to harvest. Do not apply to food crops within 30 days of harvest when Bacillus thuringiensis products are combined in the spray tank with other insecticides.
Seller warrants that the product conforms to its chemical description and is reasonably fit for the purposes stated on the label when used in accordance with directions under normal conditions of use, but neither this warranty nor any other warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, expressed or implied, extends to the use of this product contrary to label instructions, or under abnormal conditions, or under conditions not reasonably foreseeable to seller and buyer assumes the risk of any such use.
Product Tags
- Adjuvants
Ingredient Tags
- Pine Resin