Calcium 8%
Water soluble calcium nutrient
Calcium 8% is a supplement designed for foliar application.
Chemstar Calcium 8% is designed as a foliar nutritional spray to supply Calcium in a convenient soluble form. It is recommended for application to these crops where Calcium sprays have proven effective.
This product is compatibility with most pesticides and fertilizers. A simple jar test for compatibility is recommended prior to any large scale mixing. In mixing, always add this product to the tank last. Applying area in combination will increase absorption. Do not use with phosphate fertilizers, lime, lime sulfur or other very basic products.
Directions for Use
Mix contents before using.
Drip and liquid fertilizer applications: Apply
to 3 gallons per acre in multiple treatments l to 2 weeks apart throughout the growth season. May be applied with nitrogen solutions.
Foliar application: Use l to 3 quarts per acre in multiple treatments. Apply when plants are young and growing vigorously, and not under stress. Apply at l 0- to 14-day intervals. Use the lower rates on field and vegetable crops, and the higher dosages for vine and fruit crops. Use in 25 to 40 gallons of water per acre by ground sprayers, or in 5 gallons of water per acre by airplane.
Storage and Disposal
Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal. Follow all governmental procedures for the disposal of pesticide spray solutions. Triple rinse container, empty rinsate into spray tank. Dispose of empty container according to approved local practices: contact county agricultural commissioner for disposal information.
Avoid prolonged skin contact. Wash thoroughly after use. Do not apply when weather conditions favor drift to untreated areas.
Follow directions carefully. Mixing and methods of application, weather and crop conditions, mixtures with other chemicals not specifically recommended, and other influencing factors in the use of this product are beyond the control of the seller. Buyer assumes all risks of use, storage and handling of this material not in strict accordance with directions given herewith.
Product Tags
- Nutrients
- Major Nutrients
Ingredient Tags
- calcium
- Calcium (Ca.) ..................... 8.0%
calcium Major Nutrients Nutrients Corn Cotton Rice Soybeans Vegetables Wheat