Calcium + Boron
Cal-B is a ethylene regulating spray that helps strengthen a plant’s ability to withstand certain stresses of a growing environment.
Calcium + Boron
CAL+ B is designed to be sprayed on plant foliage to reduce localized ethylene production within the plant. It will also guard against calcium replacement in cell walls. If used at regular intervals, CAL+ B will increase fruit, boll, pod, or bud set and reduce internal damage to storage tissue.
CAL + B is compatible with most foliar fertilizers. However a compatibility test is recommended before mixing and using on a full scale.
Directions for Use
Group I: cotton, soybeans, dry beans, tomatoes, melons, cucumbers, peanuts, peppers. Begin application when first fruit, boll, or pod sets. Spray enough water to achieve thorough coverage of the whole plant. Spray schedule may be discontinued when last fruit, boll, or pods are set.
Spray Interval ----- rate Per Acre
7 days ----- 2 quarts / acre
10 days ----- 4 quarts / acre
Group II: celery, cauliflower, carrots, beets, cole crops, potatoes, sweet potatoes, greens, broccoli, lettuce. Begin application when the crop goes into "rapid growth" stage or when storage tissue starts to develop. Spray enough water to achieve thorough coverage of the whole plant. Spray schedule may be discontinued when rapid growth ceases or when storage tissue is finished bulking.
Spray Interval ----- rate Per Acre
7 days ----- 2 quarts / acre
10 days ----- 4 quarts / acre
Group III Tree Crops: citrus fruits, nuts, apples, peaches, pears, cherries, almonds, tropical fruits. Begin application when buds first form. Spray enough water to achieve thorough coverage of the whole tree. Spray may be discontinued when fruit has sized.
Spray Interval ----- rate Per Acre
10 days ----- 4 quarts / acre
14 days ----- 10 quarts / acre
Storage and Disposal
Freezing Temperature: 25°F
Keep Out of Reach of Children. Harmful if swallowed. Avoid breathing spray mist. May cause irritation of nose, throat and/or skin. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. If swallowed, induce vomiting by sticking finger down throat. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention.
If in eyes, wash with plenty of clear water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention.
Seller warrants that this product consists of the ingredients specified and is reasonably fit for the purpose stated on the label when used in accordance with the directions under normal conditions of use. No one, other than an officer or Seller, is authorized to make any warranty, guarantee or direction concerning this product. 2. Because the time, place, rate of application and other conditions of use are beyond Seller's control, Seller's liability from handling, storage, and use of this product is limited to replacement of product or refund of purchase price.
Product Tags
- Nutrient
- Micro Nutrient
Ingredient Tags
- Calcium
- Boron
CALCIUM ................................... 10.0% BORON ......................................... 0.5% CARRIER .................................... 89.5% Derived from calcium sucrate, sodium borate, Glucomate and sucrates.
Boron calcium Micro Nutrients Nutrients Corn Cotton Rice Soybeans Vegetables Wheat